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Door Supervisor Training in Ipswich

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Course Name

Door Supervisor

6 days
£229.99 Incl. VAT
Earning Potential
Up to £23 per hour
Mandatory Requirement For
SIA Door Supervisor Licence
Age Requirement
18+ years

Course Units
  • Principles of Working in The Private Security Industry
  • Principles of Working as a Door Supervisor
  • Application of Conflict Management for The Private Security Industry
  • Application of Physical Intervention in the Private Security Industry
4 multiple choice exams and various physical assessments
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About Door Supervisor Training Course in Ipswich

Sample Lesson

Wondering what you will learn on the course? Watch expert trainer and SIA course intructor Anthony Milner talk you through the Health & Safety part of the SIA course.


The SIA Door Supervisor course runs over 6 days and is divided into 4 units: Working in the Private Security Industry, Working as a Door Supervisor, Conflict Management and Physical Intervention. On the final day of the course there will be 4 multiple choice exams and a practical assessment of the physical intervention skills you will be taught on the course.
What will I learn on the SIA Door Supervisor Training course in Ipswich?

Unit 1 - Working in the Private Security Industry

  • Chapter 1: The Characteristics and Purposes of the Private Security Industry
  • Chapter 2: Legislation Awareness
  • Chapter 3: Arrest Procedures 
  • Chapter 4: Health and Safety
  • Chapter 5: Fire Awareness
  • Chapter 6: Emergencies
  • Chapter 7: Communication
  • Chapter 8: Record Keeping
  • Chapter 9: Terror threats and the role of the Security Operative
  • Chapter 10: Keeping vulnerable people safe 
  • Chapter 11: Post incident management


Unit 2 - Working as a Door Supervisor within the Private Security Industry 


  • Chapter 1: Understanding Crimes Relevant to Door Supervision
  • Chapter 2: Searching
  • Chapter 3: Drug Awareness
  • Chapter 4: Preservation of Evidence
  • Chapter 5: Licensing Law Relevant to the Door Supervisor
  • Chapter 6: Queue management and venue capacity responsibilities relevant to a Door Supervisor.
  • Chapter 7: Equipment Relevant to a Door Supervisor


Unit 3 - Conflict Management within the Private Security Industry 

  • Chapter 1: The principles of conflict management
  • Chapter 2: Recognising Risks In Conflict Situations
  • Chapter 3: Problem Solving Techniques
  • Chapter 4: Using Communication to help Resolve Conflict


Unit 4 - Physical Intervention Skills within the Private Security Industry 

We understand that examinations can be daunting but don't worry. Everything you need to know for the examination is covered during the Door Supervisor course and your expert instructor will fully prepare you for success in the tests.


Getting to your training venue in Ipswich 

The venue is close to several train stations. You can head to any of these local stations and get to the venue quickly. 

Derby Road Train Station 
Ipswich IP3 8HX. 

Ipswich Train Station 
Ipswich IP3 8HX. 

Westerfield Train Station 
Ipswich IP6 9AE. 

Trimley Train Station 
Trimley St Mary, Felixstowe IP11 0UB. 

The closest of these local stations is Derby Road station. From here, it’s just a 9 minute trip in a taxi. Taking public transport, you’ll need to walk 11 minutes to Hatfield Road, then take the no 3 Nacton Nipper to the Waitrose store, which is 7 stops away and 8 minutes. You then need to walk the remaining 0.8 miles, which will take around 16 minutes. 

If you are arriving at the central station in Ipswich, you can jump in a taxi for 8 minutes. Or walk 13 minutes to Cliff Lane, taking the number 2 to Coplestone. Stay on the bus for 12 stops, approximately 11 minutes and get off at The Thrasher. It’s then a further 15 minutes walk to the venue. 

If you arrive at Westerfield, it’s best to take another train to the closer station Derby Road and continue your journey. 

Trimley train station is also close, and an 11-minute taxi drive. You’ll have to get 2 or 3 buses, and it will take you almost 50 minutes, so a taxi would be the better option. 


The venue has free onsite parking if you are driving. If you want to take a trip into the centre of Ipswich during a lunch break, then there are several car parks to stop at. 

Elm Street Car Park 
Ipswich IP1 2AP. 

New Portman Road Car Park
New Portman Road, Ipswich IP1 2AN. 

Wolsey Car Park 
5 Chapman Lane, Ipswich IP1 9SA. 


The venue has a low walk score of around 34/100. That means there are a few local amenities, but you will need a car or a taxi to get around. 


The venue is the Holiday Inn. It’s a 4-star venue offering dining, free Wi-Fi, and a gym and fitness centre. If you are staying over but are looking for a budget option, then hotels close by include the easyHotel in Ipswich town centre, and the Travelodge also in Ipswich centre. You can check out other deals and hotels here. 


The nearest place to grab a quick lunch is the local Sainsbury’s superstore, which is a 5minute drive. You can get a sandwich deal or get a hot lunch at the in-store cafe. Also close by is the Rendez Vous cafe. They offer a range of full breakfasts throughout the day as well as pies and burgers. They also offer jacket potatoes, salads, and sandwiches, all at a great price. Also close by is Kenny’s cafe which is just a 7-minute drive to 348 Nacton Road, IP3 9NA.

Cafe Marina and Coffee Cat Cafe are around a 9-minute drive. In the centre of Ipswich is the Wild Strawberry Cafe offering something a little different to the classic English fayre. There you can grab an avocado toastie, a Stilton and alfalfa sandwich, Chickpeas and Chorizo or Ginger and Soy Chicken. 


SIA Job Opportunities in Ipswich 
Ipswich has a fun and vibrant nightlife. There are plenty of bars and clubs always in need of qualified door staff. The shopping centres where retail security staff are needed in the centre include The Sailmaker’s shopping centre and The Buttermarket centre. Ipswich Town football ground is located at Portman Road also in the centre that also regularly requires security personnel when playing games at home. Located nearby is The Trinity Park Conference Centre which hosts events all year round and relies on security staff.

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